Category: Internet Marketing

Rewiring Your Brain for A Better Life

Rewiring Your Brain for A Better Life We all want to carve our own little niche of greatness in our lives. We want to be successful in our careers, we want to be better parents and spouses, we want to be healthy and happy. That’s why self-help courses and self-improvement …

Start A Business With Pajamas On

Start A Business With Pajamas On   There are two type of people in the world. Those who see the glass half empty and those who see it half full. This experience was heightened for me when I had lunch with an old colleague from work and he began to …

Customer Loyalty Programs and Your Local Business

Customer Loyalty Programs and Your Local Business You’ve probably participated in a customer loyalty program. Many famous businesses have them, like Starbucks and Best Buy. In fact, both companies said that implementing their customer loyalty program has increased their bottom line. These programs have their benefits. You may think, as …
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